
I always felt different when I grew up. It’s hard to tell how. I have had a feeling through my whole life of being a different. I have always heard that I am too sensitive, too reflective, and spending too much time in my own imaginary world. I’m spending time thinking about what a tree might feel, what our cats are spending their day thinking about and I can’t pass a lilac bush without get transported back to my birthdays in Sweden. My brain is wired a little bit different.

Many HSP’s feel different and alone.

But the truth is, we are not. The key whenever I feel that way is to hang out with sensitive people who are already flourishing, or at least open to those possibilities. They understand not only how to manage their sensitivity, but also how to wield its superpowers.  They know what it’s like to feel endlessly under siege, and they can offer firsthand experience and wisdom to help make our sensitivity work in our favor. ⭐️⭐️⭐️


Deep connections

As many HSP’s I want and I need to create deep connections with people. This is especially important with my partner in love and life. I find it hard to small talk, to stay on the surface. I want it to mean something. Lack of meaning frightens me. Conversations not anchored into the souls lakes lose my attention.

I’m more interested in your hopes, your dreams and your passions. But also in your fears, your failures and your learnings. I discussed this with a friend last night. He is also HSP. He asked me why we are this way. Why can’t we stay on the surface? Why do we need in under the layers and shells, down into places deeply personal to people.

I have no idea. I just know I need the real person - under the surface.

Elin Jonsson



Feelings can be contagious. Highly sensitive people are so vulnerable to the negativity of others that it takes practice and patience to avoid catching the feelings of others. Try meditation, specifically the practice of “shielding” to protect yourself.


Difficult to saY no

I found an article last night that explains why it’s difficult for the Highly Sensitive to say no.

“Empathy is basically the HSP’s superpower, but it can also be our downfall if we do not learn how to turn it off when we need to. This relates to saying no because we can usually tell that the other person wants us to say yes.”

I always wish I had the capacity to do more, socialize more, be more. It takes time and experience to realize that I have to choose when and how I can interact with the world.

More then often I cancel dates with friends, leave the party too early or just never show up. I want to but come but I can’t. I have learned to say no to be able to be fully present and committed when I say yes (still struggle with that ;)).

Saying no is hard - but it allows you to be the best version of you the times you do say yes.

Elin Jonsson


Get along

I can’t help it. I really want us all to get along. At work my mantra is to “get everyone on the same page” to eliminate as much frustration as possible between people.

The HSP is eager to have everyone in a group to get along, respect each other and work together.

Maybe we are eager to have everyone getting along because we physically get hurt when there are anger, frustration or bad energy between people. Maybe we just want to protect ourselves ;)

Happy Thursday! Be kind to each other.

Cheers Elin
