
I always felt different when I grew up. It’s hard to tell how. I have had a feeling through my whole life of being a different. I have always heard that I am too sensitive, too reflective, and spending too much time in my own imaginary world. I’m spending time thinking about what a tree might feel, what our cats are spending their day thinking about and I can’t pass a lilac bush without get transported back to my birthdays in Sweden. My brain is wired a little bit different.

Many HSP’s feel different and alone.

But the truth is, we are not. The key whenever I feel that way is to hang out with sensitive people who are already flourishing, or at least open to those possibilities. They understand not only how to manage their sensitivity, but also how to wield its superpowers.  They know what it’s like to feel endlessly under siege, and they can offer firsthand experience and wisdom to help make our sensitivity work in our favor. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
